About Me

I am currently pursuing Joint Masters Degree in Security and Cloud Computing. I have completed three semesters ( first two at Aalto University and third atEurecom in France) with my second-year specialization in Big Data Security.

I am working on my Master’s thesis on Establishing cross-system trust between IIoT microservices at Aalto University under Prof. Hong-Linh Truong in the AaltoSEA Group as a Research Assistant. Previously I researched security-elasticity reliability in Industrial IoT systems in the same group. Before that, I briefly worked as Research Assistant under Prof. Tuomas Aura on the implementation of EAP TLS-1.3 PSK based authentication. I am also the TA for Big Data Platforms for spring 2021 semester.

I was awarded the EMJMD scholarship for my master’s degree. Before starting my masters, I worked as a full-stack engineer at Factset Research Systems. I received my bachelor’s degree in 2016 in Computer Science and Engineering from National Institute of Technology Patna. My bachelor’s project titled “IoT Enabled Smart Home Shopping Assistant System” under the supervison of Prof. Prabhat Kumar.

Research Interests

My research interests include cloud computing and distributed systems and services. More specifically, I work on the security, elasticity and consistency of the distributed microservices and systems.

I also love reading and understanding distributed databases especially the newSQL distributed database paradigm.


My skillset includes:

  • System Architecture: Creating cloud-native IaaS and PaaS end to end big-data platform architectures including orchestration using Kubernetes
  • Databases: SQL, NewSQL, and NoSQL
  • Stream Processing softwares such as Apache Spark and Apache Flink.
  • Popular Brokers, middlewares and protocols such as Kafka, MQTT and RabbitMQ.
  • Security Analysis of cloud deployed microservices.


I like reading books and novels and I am especially fond of high-fantasy series such as Lord of the Rings or Eragon. I am also reader of few Mangas and japanese light novels. More recently, I have dabbed into Chinese Wuxia’s.

I also like playing Table-tennis and binging random tv series.